Home networking

Your Home Network has quickly become the most important system in the home after the electrical wiring

It is hard to imagine a family home with out Wi-Fi or Internet access these days.  This relatively new phenomena has given access to an entire world of online music and video content.  This content puts a crazy amount of strain on your home network especially when you have multiple users in your home trying to access music services, like Spotify and video services, like Netflix, all at the same time. In addition to the content you are streaming or downloading, your new Smart Home system also depends on your home network’s Wi-Fi system to function correctly and if you have a party with 25 or more people you now have 25 additional devices talking to your Wi-Fi system.

A property installed and serviced Home Network has never been as important as it is today. Trust the professionals to setup your home networking needs and keep you connected!  


Which router should I use? 

If you want to have a fast, stable and secure home network you cannot rely on a free router from your service provider nor a $50 router from the big box store.  You need to invest in an enterprise or high-end residential networking system for you home. The experts at Sounds Good are younger than most in the industry but this gives us an advantage because we have only ever known a world with high performance network needs.  Since we opened our doors in 2008 we have been ensuring that the wires and equipment we choose for home networking are high end and future proof.

Networking power & distribution 

Since 2008 Sounds Good has been specifying 1000MB networking equipment in order to prepare for the our upcoming dependence with online content. The equipment we specify is smart enough to regulate how your network power is distributed throughout your home, such as, giving a lite amount of power to someone reading an online newspaper and 90% of the power to someone streaming an online movie or television show.

” Always Connected . ”
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