cables & power

Improved unique and custom solution specifically for you

Do No Harm. That is the creed of Audioquest cables, the first choice in cable solutions from Sounds Good. Cables and power solutions are most of the time the last thing that anyone thinks about when setting up a new audio system. You get a new CD player, turntable etc.; unwrap it and think that the provided cables will provide you with the best sound from your new audio device. You plug them in and sounds comes out, however most people are unaware that the music they listen to can be greatly improved by a modest set of cables.

Audio Cables

Audio Cables

All music is perfect on its CD or vinyl record. What degrades the sound is everything that comes next. We have all hear the phrase, “only as strong as the weakest link”. This is as true with audio as anything else. Poor quality cables introduce unwanted noise, or limit the sound stage. They choke off the purity of the signal not allowing it to reach the next piece of audio equipment in the chain. Do no harm. It means do everything with your cables to ensure you let the best signal possible get from the source to the speakers.

Choosing the right Cables for your System 

At Sounds Good we match cables to the system to get the most we can out of each piece of equipment. Whether it is a bluray player, cable box, CD player, turntable, TV, projector or speakers everything can benefit from improved cables. Sound is fuller. The soundstage becomes wider, taller, deeper and more defined. If you don’t know what the soundstage is, the experts at Sounds Good can explain that to you too.

How Power Affects your System

Power is just as important. The power that comes into your house is intended to keep the lights on and the fridge humming. The power in your house is not designed to keep your sound system sounding the way it can. Have you ever heard a low hum coming from a transformer? That hum is noise that can travel down the electrical wires in your house and affect your music and movie experience. Then most important piece of equipment to combat this is a surge protector and power conditioner.

Surge Protection & Voltage Protection 

Surge protectors do as the name suggests. They prevent huge power spikes, usually caused by lightning, from traveling down the cables in your home to your audio equipment and frying your investment. Every system that Sounds Good builds is completely surge protected providing the maximum security from these events. Aside from surge protection, many of the surge protectors used by Sounds Good offer under voltage protection. When everyone on your street is using the AC in the summer, the power in your house can drop. Your house is supposed to have 120V of power running through the electrical cables. During these peak times power can dip to as low as 105V. At that point catastrophic failure of some of the sensitive audio equipment in your home is possible. Under voltage protection prevents that. Ask about how Sounds Good can offer the right surge protector for your power needs.

Power Conditioning 

Power conditioning is another thing to consider when building your audio system. Power conditioning uses the same concept as cables. Do no harm. In this case though, the power conditioner gets rid of unwanted noise in the electricity to make sure that the signal that powers your audio system is as clean as it can be. This will allow you to hear your music more clearly and make sure the sounds you hear are only from the music and not the power in your home.

Come ask the experts at Sounds Good about how the right cables can benefit your audio system and how the right power solution can protect and improve your listening experience.

” Surge & Voltage Protection
prevents damages to home electronic Investment. ”
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