audio components

We Source & Sell all the Audio Components you’ll need. 

Choosing the right audio components is paramount to the sound and performance of your audio video system. From integrated amplifiers to CD players every piece of audio equipment has the ability to hinder or complement the next.

Re-useing your Current Gear

Re-useing your Current Gear

Sounds Good can work with the audio equipment you already have to recommend the right complementary piece. Each piece of audio equipment has a personality. Characteristics it shows when playing. Knowing what these characteristics are is part of the expertise you get when you talk to Sounds Good.

Professional AV Component Racks

Once you go Rack, you never go Back.
Why would you want to spend a portion of your budget on a professional equipment rack? Well it is quite simple when you break it down. Equipment that is installed properly into an professional equipment rack will last longer. The reason is because the equipment is now allowed to breath and ventilate as it was intended. This will add years to your investment and will most likely save you hundreds if not thousands over the years in unnecessary service calls and replacement units. How do we know this for sure? We looked back and 8 out of 10 service calls we receive are for equipment not stored in professional racks. Our number one (1) service call is for cable boxes that are stored in cabinets with other equipment, books, magazines, or DVDs stacked on the cable box or around it. We see this failure over and over.

There are four (4) other great reasons to have a professional equipment rack.
1) The first is serviceability. If something does go wrong it is easy to trace wires, replace them and test them.
2) If you wish to have new equipment added to the system it is much easier to add it to the rack then jam it on top of other equipment in cabinets.
3) If you are going to be moving from one home to another and wish to bring your system with you, that is not an issue. Instead of packing up all of your equipment individually all we have to do is disconnect your wiring and go! 
4) The final reason is the cool factor! Nothing looks better than a professionally built and professionally wired equipment rack. It becomes a focal point for you to admire and show your friends.

The professionals at Sounds Good take great pride and really love building great looking racks. They are like a rough piece of stone when we deliver them, but by the time we are done, they are our David!

Component Packages 

Sounds Good also has pre-configured packages. Hand selected pieces of audio equipment designed specifically to complement each other. These packages will get you into a complete beautiful sounding system without the hassle of researching and comparing a plethora of audio equipment options. Don’t worry, we’ve done all of that for you. These packages come with the amplifier, CD player, turntable, speakers, power conditioning and cabling. All of the audio equipment you need to get your music system going. These packages start for as little as $2000 and go as high as $20,000.


Yes, just a moment ago we said turntable. Surprisingly, the classic turntable is the second fasted growing segment of the audio equipment today, second only to digital music. It still produces the best sound we can give. The warmth and life of vinyl is unlike anything you can get from the same digital song or piece of digital audio equipment. You say you don’t believe us? Come in for a demonstration. You can hear the difference for yourself. From the table, to a phono pre-amp to a new replacement cartridge for your old table, we’ve got you covered. Check out our turntable section for more details.

Come ask the experts at Sounds Good how you can start really listening to your music by matching the right audio equipment.

Apple TV 

Yes, just a moment ago we said turntable. Surprisingly, the classic turntable is the second fasted growing segment of the audio equipment today, second only to digital music. It still produces the best sound we can give. The warmth and life of vinyl is unlike anything you can get from the same digital song or piece of digital audio equipment. You say you don’t believe us? Come in for a demonstration. You can hear the difference for yourself. From the table, to a phono pre-amp to a new replacement cartridge for your old table, we’ve got you covered. Check out our turntable section for more details.

Come ask the experts at Sounds Good how you can start really listening to your music by matching the right audio equipment.

” Our Experts will Alawys Keep You Smiling . ”
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